Sunday, 8 July 2012

Tower building - Goal setting and Management

Data for  Tower Building exercise in terms of No. of CUBES is given below.

Factor  1 to 8
Scenario - I
 Scenario - II
 Scenario - III
 Scenario - IV
 1 & 2
Historical Tower height achieved by team
 Low - 5

High -  18
 Low - 5

High - 20
  Low - 5

High - 21
 Low - 5

High - 23
Achievable Performance -          ( Estimate / Guess )

 18 +



Goal proposed by the Manager
Goal proposed by the worker
Goal Mutually agreed for building the tower between worker and manager with the support of the manager
No. of cubes Tower manager and worker team could build / achieve at the end of the exercise
T O W E R  
H E I G H T  


 Potential tower height as per my understanding is stated above.

 Sl. No.
Measure for Managerial Excellence
 Scenario - I
 Scenario - II
 Scenario - III
 Scenario - IV







1. Gap if any between Tower height Performance so far achieved and Achievable performance of tower ( Factor 3 and 7)

2. Gap if any between goal proposed by the manager and mutually agreed goal by team
 ( Factor 4 and 6)

3. Gap if any between goal proposed by the manger and the goal proposed  by the worker 
 ( Factor 4 and 5)

4. Gap if any between goal proposed by the worker  and mutually agreed goal by team
 ( Factor 5 and 6)

5. Gap if any between achievable performance  and potential tower
 ( Factor 3 and 8)

6. Gap if any between  performance achieved ( at the end of the exercise ) and  goal mutually agreed by manger and the worker  
( Factor 6 and 7)
7. Gap if any between  performance achieved ( at the end of the exercise ) and  achievable goal  
 ( Factor 7 and 3)

8. Gap if any between  performance achieved ( at the end of the exercise ) and  the potential  
 ( Factor 7 and 8)
Acheivable performance = Performance of team.
This is a condsiderable situation with drawback being that limits are not being pushed.

Team performed better than what was earlier decided mutually.

Manager has high expectations.
Employees are complacent.

Mutual agreement lies in middle of worker and manager aspirations.

Exceeded expectations.

Yes.Gap does exist.This is a condsiderable situation with drawback being that limits are not being pushed.

Acheivable performance > Performance of team.
 Team did not push their limits and performed below expectations.

Team performed as  what was earlier decided mutually.

Manager has very high expectations.
Employees are complacent.

Mutual agreement is completely manager aspirations.He has been able to convince workers of his goals.

Performance below expectations.

Yes.large Gap does exist.Team did not push their limits and performed below expectations.
Acheivable performance > Performance of team.
 Team did not push their limits and performed below expectations.

Team performed not as good as what was earlier decided mutually.

Manager has very high expectations.
Employees are complacent.

Mutual agreement lies more towards manager aspirations.
Workers have been successful in negotiating a little.

Met expectations.

Yes.large Gap does exist.
Ac heivable performance is much  greater than Performance of team.
 Team did not push their limits and performed very badly and  below expectations.

Team performed not as good as  what was earlier decided mutually.

Manager has low expectations.
Employees are motivated and have set high expectations.

Mutual agreement is lesser than worker and manager aspirations.
Poor manager will eventually lead to complacent employees.

Exceeded expectations.

Yes.very large Gap does exist. Team did not push their limits and performed very badly and  below expectations.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your blog.. You picked up the thing.. Great..
    Can you make each of the point you referred in the columns of the table in the table a number and explain in detail..

    If you can do that it lovely.. I wish you do that. You deserve to be invited to speak in the class before your classmates. Get ready and speak on this.. Come with good example.. Come prepared.. You are Aditya.. OK.. Good blog..dr mandi
